Once you know your destination, and you’ve picked your route, it’s time to get into the car and drive.
Your vehicle for this journey is neuroleadership, a brain-based approach that incorporates principles of organization development, personality assessment and goal identification.
Neuroleadership works for organizations of any size, and it works for the individuals within them.
Finding answers to these questions is a valuable process that empowers the people in your organization to work more effectively.
I’m happy and qualified to be your guide and welcome your inquiries about this work.
Neuroleadership is an emerging field of study connecting neuroscientific knowledge with the fields of leadership development, management training, change management, consulting and coaching.
Founded by Dr. David Rock, the NeuroLeadership Institute helps individuals and organizations fulfill their potential through better understanding how the human brain functions, at the level of individuals, teams and whole systems.
Neuroleadership also meshes nicely with my favorite approach to working with groups and individuals – Appreciative Inquiry. AI was developed by David Cooperrider at Case Western Reserve University, and has been researched and built upon by many other leaders in the organization development field. A central question of AI is “what do you want more of?” That creates a toward response in the brain, where traditional problem solving methods, asking questions like “what’s the root of this problem?” can easily create an away response.
Dr. Rock is author of Quiet Leadership, Your Brain at Work and Coaching with the Brain in Mind. Dr. Rock also writes for the Harvard Business Review, the Huffington Post, Fast Company and various academic journals. Dr. Cooperrider is the author of the Appreciative Inquiry Handbook, and co-author, with Dr. Diana Whitney of A Positive Revolution in Change: Appreciative Inquiry.
I’m certified in a suite of tools that work to help people grow their own insights, and I’d be happy to help you further explore the tools that will work best for you and your organization: